About us


Doads was launched in 2017 by Roxanne and Vlad. They met in Lisbon while working directly for Facebook on an outsourced contract, helping small businesses grow through targeted advertising. Vlad was the Operations Manager of a project consisting of 120 Marketing Experts that were offering their knowledge and support to advertisers worldwide and Roxanne was a Quality Analyst ensuring that the performed work was meeting Facebook’s standards and policies.
Through their years spent within Facebook, they learned everything there is to know about Facebook Marketing and particularly Facebook Ads. How to create them, how to optimize them, how to successfully build a sales funnel and how to grow a business through advertising.

They took this knowledge and launched DoAds in Romania for the same purpose, to help businesses grow through advertising and meet their full potential.
Doads offers various services in Romanian, English, Dutch or German.

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Descarcă gratuit ghidul cu 9 studii de caz DoAds și învață strategii care au generat peste 250€ de milioane în vănzări
Autor Articol
Picture of Vlad Niță

Vlad Niță

CEO DoAds Agency și expert Facebook Ads

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Ce înseamnă Link pe Facebook?

Linkurile sunt esențiale pentru navigarea pe internet și pentru conectarea informațiilor. Ele îți permit să accesezi rapid și ușor conținut relevant, să partajezi resurse importante

Descarcă gratuit ghidul cu 9 studii de caz DoAds și învață strategii care au generat peste 250€ de milioane în vănzări