Checkout Membership Premium

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0 lei
Product Subtotal
DoAds Membership  × 1
Perioadă abonament:


Tip Abonament:


586 lei / month with a 15-day free trial
Subtotal lei
Total lei
Recurring totals
Subtotal 586 lei / month
Recurring total 586 lei / month (includes 94 lei TVA)
First renewal: august 11, 2024

Abonamentul Tău

DoAds Membership1
586 lei every month with 15 day free trial
586 lei

Customer information

Detalii pentru facturare


Comanda ta

Produs Sub-total
DoAds Membership  × 1
Perioadă abonament:


Tip Abonament:


586 lei / month with a 15-day free trial
Sub-total lei
Total lei
Recurring totals
Subtotal 586 lei / month
Recurring total 586 lei / month (includes 94 lei TVA)
First renewal: august 11, 2024